Food is to survive,
Love is to live.
Forgetting about money´s usages, weather, ups and downs and starting to assess the value and scopes of love, we will change the world.
We humans must start loving ourselves, and then we will realise what imports most because happiness is not what we receive but what we be willing to give. Therefore, sharing our wealth or just our time with whomever needs it more, is how the world gets told who we truly are.
Patch Adams has been a revolutionary doctor determined to improve "patient´s" lives by humanising medical treatments and addressing to the ´patients´ by their given names. He also considers himself as a clown, for he primarily welcomes with open arms and his hilarious personality.
Firmly believing in the importance of love, he has spent longer than thirty years offering medical care as expecting nothing in return. This is due to his phenomenal capability of giving.
At Freedom Plaza on October the 14th, 2011, Patch Adams spoke up for the necessity of a
LOVE-REVOLUTION. Above, there is a YouTube video of his speech; below, The Gesundheit Institute´s official website
"Loving is a feeling".......
"Well, Loving is the only feeling that goes beyond selfishness and materialism while compassion gets us to will a change"